20 years old
em...duno how to start ler.....let me start with y i set this blogspot la...cos a fren called tony, he gives me his blogspot address, n den after i read his article,feel like quite a nice website wo...atleast i got some place to breath, sometimes wana say out something but duno say to hu....
em...this year 20 years old la...cant say young and oso cant say old.Sometimes just thinkin, how a 20 years old gal should act like?20 years old, the year just pass my teenager....obviously cant b last time fung fung thin thin like tat, wana play den play....last time even snaek out until 4am..(onli once la, cos my mum noe it oredi), oways talkin to guy tat i not so suk, just noe thru internet until midnite.....i remember once even talk until dawn...mayb my mum too strict la, this cannot that cannot....so there was a force to tell me to balance up......n end up i do something tat my mum not allow me to do....
But those i mention just now oredi past la.....if i'm in normal state, i wont repeat it again, except tat is something happened on me la.So guys out there, dun try to stimulate me ya, i duno wat will i do de.....
dun mention my name here lar, pai seh. u eaten tiger's nile ah, so brave 1, talk to guy that u dunno? ngah yin leh... be careful next time, dun go out solate lor, if wanna steal chicken again, a word of advice: gambateh!
lol :P
garren_tony, at January 25, 2005 at 6:58 PM
some more say yrself pretty.... (sigh)
garren_tony, at January 26, 2005 at 4:20 AM
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